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About Us

About Us

Founded in 2014, the Godwine Choir has since established itself as one of London’s most dynamic and versatile chamber choirs. The choir was shortlisted for the 2016 Choir of the Year competition, adjudicator Manvinder Rattan crediting their “polished, refined” performance.

The choir performs concerts in London and further afield featuring a wide range of repertoire from the Twelfth Century to the present day, with recent performances of works by Fauré, Bruckner, Howells, Schütz and Cecilia McDowall. In 2014, they recorded the world première of Roderick Williams’ Christmas Bells for the Financial Times.

In 2018, the choir released their first recording, Dream Tryst, a disc of Holst and Dyson including several previously unrecorded works; the choir drew praise for “excellent intonation” and “real understanding of the texts” (MusicWeb International). Their second disc, Alpha and Omega, the first complete recording of Holst’s Christmas works, was featured on BBC Radio 3’s Record Review.

The choir tours both in the UK and abroad, with a visit to Belgium including performances in Brussels Cathedral and St Bavo’s Cathedral, Ghent. Plans for the 2023 season include a performance at the English Music Festival in Dorchester Abbey and a concert of madrigals and folk-songs in London.

Our Discography

Dream Tryst

Alpha and Omega

O Creator Spirit

Alexander Davan Wetton

Musical Director

Edward Hughes

Musical Director

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